Vítimas dunha compliance non existente

Vítimas dunha compliance non existente

Primeira parte A violencia é unha maneira de silenciar ás persoas, de negarlles a voz e a sua credibilidade, de afirmar o teu dereito para controlalas sobre o seu dereito para existir. REBECCA SOLNIT Durante un tempo prolongado, o anhelo de plasmar en palabras a fraxilidade dunha compliance defectuosa habitou en min. Cunha mestura de determinación e sensibilidade, dispóñome a destapar as gretas que poden xurdir neste sistema e a lanzar luz sobre os aspectos menos visibles. Esta exploración será…

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Exploiting Our Menstruation

Exploiting Our Menstruation

While studying the impact of menstruation on female athletes is valuable, it is important to recognise that it is not the sole factor influencing women’s performance and injuries. Men also experience hormonal fluctuations, and research on male athletes encompasses more than just that aspect. The Spanish article titled «Training According to the Menstrual Cycle? More Business than Science» addresses the current trend of planning athletic practice based on the menstrual cycle and questions its scientific foundation. The article emphasises that…

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Explotando a menstruación

Explotando a menstruación

Estudar a menstruación está ben, pero non é o único factor que inflúe no rendemento deportivo da muller nin nas lesións. De feito, os homes tamén teñen flutuacións hormonais e os estudos dos deportistas non se centran só niso. Gustaríame convidalos a ler o seguinte artigo titulado «Adestrar segundo o ciclo menstrual? Moito máis negocio que ciencia«, que aborda a tendencia actual de planificar a práctica deportiva en función do ciclo menstrual e cuestiona a súa fundamentación científica. O artigo…

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O impacto lingüístico na nosa perspectiva do fútbol

O impacto lingüístico na nosa perspectiva do fútbol

A linguaxe é unha ferramenta poderosa que inflúe na nosa percepción e comprensión do mundo que nos rodea. No ámbito deportivo, especialmente no fútbol, esta influencia vólvese aínda máis pronunciada. Dende os sutís matices dos substantivos de xénero ata as diversas interpretacións das instrucións, cada idioma achega a súa perspectiva única ao xogo. Neste artigo, exploraremos como a linguaxe afecta o pensamento dentro e fóra do campo no fascinante ámbito da influencia lingüística. A teoría da relatividade lingüística de Whorf…

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Mind Games: How Languages Shape Thinking On and Off the Pitch

Mind Games: How Languages Shape Thinking On and Off the Pitch

Language is a powerful tool that shapes our perception and understanding of the world around us. In the realm of sports, particularly in football, the influence of language becomes even more pronounced. From the subtle nuances of gendered nouns to the varying interpretations of instructions, each language brings its own unique perspective to the game. In this article, we delve into the fascinating realm of linguistic influence, exploring how language impacts thinking both on and off the pitch. One theory…

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Dende a antiga Grecia ata o deporte moderno: a alarmante ameaza de figuras similares a Alcibíades nos clubs de fútbol

Dende a antiga Grecia ata o deporte moderno: a alarmante ameaza de figuras similares a Alcibíades nos clubs de fútbol

Nos anais da historia, certos individuos destacan polo seu encanto carismático, natureza ambiciosa e tendencias manipuladoras. Un destes personaxes foi Alcibíades, un influente político e xeneral ateniense durante a Guerra do Peloponeso. Aínda que o legado de Alcibíades está arraigado na antiga Grecia, os ecos dos seus trazos e os seus perigos potenciais atopan un paralelo inesperado no mundo do deporte moderno, especialmente nos clubs de fútbol. Como poderían as figuras similares a Alcibíades ameazar a estabilidade e o éxito…

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From Ancient Greece to Modern Sports: The Alarming Threat of Alcibiades-like Figures in Football Clubs

From Ancient Greece to Modern Sports: The Alarming Threat of Alcibiades-like Figures in Football Clubs

In the annals of history, certain individuals stand out for their charismatic allure, ambitious nature, and manipulative tendencies. One such figure was Alcibiades, an influential Athenian politician and general during the Peloponnesian War. While Alcibiades’ legacy is firmly rooted in ancient Greece, the echoes of his traits and their potential dangers find an unexpected parallel in the world of modern sports, particularly football clubs. This article explores why the prospect of someone reminiscent of Alcibiades wielding power within a football…

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RULE BRITANNIA – Mockery or Prophecy?

RULE BRITANNIA – Mockery or Prophecy?

The other day going through my grandparents’ books, one stood out among the rest. I don’t know whether it was because I was feeling nostalgic and homesick, but as soon as I saw the title ‘Rule Britannia’ I couldn’t get the patriotic melody by Thomas Arne out of my head. However, what drew my attention the most was that the book was written by Daphne du Maurier, mostly known for novels such as ‘Rebecca’, ‘My Cousin Rachel’, ‘The Birds’, etc….

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A Glass Eye

A Glass Eye

«No foreign language, no matter how illustrious it may be, can express in our name the intimate feelings, the deep pains and the everlasting hopes of the Galician people; if we are still different and able to exist, it is only thanks to our language.» Castelao (1886-1950)     Many people spend their entire lives looking for their sole purpose, yet I have come to understand that it is not something you chase; it is something or several things that…

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RFGF: UEFA Pro Coaching Course

RFGF: UEFA Pro Coaching Course

When you’re in the middle of something, it’s actually hard to see how far you’ve come. Just remember that a little progress each day adds up to BIG results. I hope I have instilled some love for the English language and that you have gained some insight into how and why language matters in the football world. Cando estás no medio de algo, é difícil ver canto se progresou. Basta lembrar que un pouco de progreso cada día termina en…

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